2013 Defense Static Show at Indonesian National Armed Forces Headquarters (Mabes TNI)
2013 Indonesian National Armed Forces (INAF) Defense Static Show was held in 29-30 January 2013 at INAF HQ, Cilangkap. Opened by the Indonesian Minister of Defense, Prof. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro MSc., MA., Ph.D., the event show case Indonesia's corporate and industries capability in designing and manufacturing high quality defense products and systems. PT SOG Indonesia is honored to be requested to participate in the event.
During the two day show, PT SOG Indonesia displayed its high competence and experience in communication systems, especially satellite-based communication. PT SOG Indonesia also successfully demonstrated to the INAF Commander-in-Chief, Admiral TNI Agus Suhartono, its latest design in Radio Over Internet Protocol (ROIP) System using Thuraya IP as backbone.
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Booth PT SOG Indonesia

Planning & Budgeting Assistant to Indonesian Chief of Navy, Rear Admiral Ade Supandi visiting PT SOG Indonesia booth and being explained about SOG Radio-over-Internet Protocol (ROIP)

INAF Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Agus Suhartono accompanied by Indonesia Air Force Chief of Staff, Air Marshal IB Putu Dunia, Indonesia Navy Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral TNI Marsetio, as well as other high ranks officials. Here, the Commander was guided through by Mr Sanny Jauwhannes, President Director of PT SOG Indonesia.

INAF Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Agus Suhartono accompanied by Indonesia Air Force Chief of Staff, Air Marshal TNI IB Putu Dunia arriving at PT SOG Indonesia booth. Here, the Commander was welcomed by Mr Sanny Jauwhannes, President Director of PT SOG Indonesia.

Deputy Governor of National Resilience Institute, Lieutenant General Moeldoko paying close attention to SOG Live View (man-pack design mounted on the manikin) as demonstrated by Mr Sanny Jauwhannes, President Director of PT SOG Indonesia. SOG Live View enables live video reporting by anyone, in anytime and from anywhere using a bonding system of existing GSM/CDMA networks and Thuraya Satellite network.

INAF Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Agus Suhartono closely examinining SOG Radio-over-Internet Protocol (ROIP) as demonstrated by Mr Sanny Jauwhannes, President Director of PT SOG Indonesia. With SOG ROIP, the Commander has no trouble in communicating with his official throughout Indonesia using existing radio communication equipment linked with Thuraya IP.

INAF Commander-in-Chief, Admiral Agus Suhartono paying close attention to SOG Live View (man-pack design mounted on the manikin) as demonstrated by Mr Sanny Jauwhannes, President Director of PT SOG Indonesia, and Mr Toto Wachjutomo, General Manager for Military & Defense. SOG Live View enables live video reporting by anyone, in anytime and from anywhere using a bonding system of existing GSM/CDMA networks and Thuraya Satellite network.

Indonesia Army Vice Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Moeldoko discussing PT SOG Indonesia communication system concepts and designs with Mr Sanny Jauwhannes, President Director of PT SOG Indonesia, and Brigadier General (Ret) Suendro Slamet, Technical Director of PT SOG Indonesia.